Story of
'The Fall'


Our Spirituality

How to Stop Judging

The Kingdom Within Us

Jesus Where are You

The Gender Question

Who I Am

Celebrate Differences

Reinventing the Wheel

©2022The kingdom Within - CJVett All rights reserved

Our Personal Kingdom Within© 2023

Since I created this being that I am right now as I lived my life in this 3 dimensional world, I should be able to go back and contemplate my life and the experiences I lived and understand what was going on in the different aspects of it.

There are so many different ideas and ways of looking at things that it is important to remember to not buy into other people’s conclusions as our own. It is a good feeling to know that I am okay and whatever happened in my life is not for me to compare to anyone else’s life but to understand myself better and forgive the judgments I imposed on my failures and mistakes.

Each individual is different and has a unique way of understanding and believing. We know things that maybe someone else just guesses at or vise versa. It’s the things that affect us, touch us and teach us in different ways that we need to reflect on, those things that mean something to us that maybe don’t mean anything at all to someone else.

There is not ‘a one size fits all’ to our spiritual path. We may be impressed with a profound truth someone teaches about but it may actually block our growth because it is not what we need at this time. It could lead our thoughts into something that distracts us from what God is actually preparing us for.

The kingdom of God is within us. This means it is very personal for each individual. We need to realize that we have all the answers we need for our growth right within us, in our own heart and as it comes into our mind. Our path with God is our own path and not a program from someone else’s belief system. This is the problem with religions. When we follow a system of any kind, we are not tuned in to our inner being, into the kingdom within us. We can’t have faith In someone else’s spiritual ideas they believe in. It has to be our own faith in what we know to be true from our own heart and soul, from our own relationship with God, Jesus, angels and spiritual helpers from the other side.

When we accept ourselves as being the only one with the truth we need each day, each hour, each moment, and not go looking for answers from someone else who we think is more ‘spiritual’ then ourselves, then we will find the peace within that Jesus said would be ours. We will be at peace with ourselves and our spiritual path. We won’t be trying to be better or judge ourselves as unworthy etc. but we will just be who we are.

We will then be able to let go of our past mistakes and forget them. Jesus said they would be erased for good. When we finally believe this and have faith in the knowledge that Jesus gave us this release from our past history, we no longer will worry about our ‘salvation’. We can move on in a new spirit of seeing ourself as the ‘Christ within’ instead of the poor, tiresome human that struggled for so long. It is up to us to know ourselves as the ‘new creature in Christ’ and no longer identify with the human failures of our yesterdays.

We are the only expert of our own life and what we need to do. No one else knows us like we know ourselves. Only God knows us better and can help us in ways beyond even our own understanding but no other human being knows our heart in the same way as God does.
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