When we are living in our aware mind, we are focused and know what’s going on. When we are in our ‘unconscious’ mind, we are following our established patterns of activity and thought processes. So, when we are in this ‘unconscious’ mind, we are living in the ‘past’. When we are in our aware mind, we are living in the ‘now’.
The unconscious mind can be influenced by many things like how we were raised, other’s opinions we bought into, negative experiences, what we learned in school and just society itself.
If we don’t know ourselves, what we believe in, what we would like our life to be like, what makes us happy, angry or sad, we can be influenced without our knowledge by others with stronger belief systems than ours. Other’s ideas and beliefs about us can seep into our unconscious mind and we will think it is our own ideas or beliefs. Sometimes we lose confidence or appreciation for ourselves because someone else doesn’t want us to be better than they feel about themselves. These thoughts project into our unconscious mind and simmer, causing us to devalue ourselves and what we are doing.
We may feel bad about something because it wasn’t our intention to do or be some certain way, not realizing it wasn’t our ‘want to’ but somebody else projecting their own desires into our unconscious mind. When we buy into their secret thoughts about us, we may take on those desires as our own intentions.
This is why it’s important to understand how to live in the ‘now’. Living in the ‘now’ is not living in one point of time and time never moves. It is focusing our awareness on exactly where we are at and what we are doing. Every thought that comes into our mind is our own immediate thought from our own needs and desires of the moment. If we ‘choose’ to use our unconscious mind to remember something at that moment, we are aware we are doing it and know it’s ours. We are using it, it is not using us!
When we lapse into a dull moment of thought that leads down unwanted memory trails, we can become trapped by this negativity. Other people who have been unkind or harmed us may have left dark, heavy emotional feelings in our energy space. This energy settles into our weak areas where we don’t stand in our power. When we allow ourselves to deeply reflect on these kinds of negative events, it opens the door to release this darkness into our personal energy field, causing us to feel the pain over and over again. This is why we need to make a choice when we first recognize a negative thought and reject it.
To get rid of negative thoughts before they intensify, we need to quit feeding them. it’s a good idea to change channels in our mind. What do I like to do? If it’s watch a good positive movie, have a favorite one ready. Some say go for a walk or meditate or have a bowl of ice cream. Whatever it takes, do it quickly! Be careful of meditating in this situation because negativity has been attracted and is swirling around just waiting for an opening and once in, it multiplies. Maybe say a prayer instead with eyes open and being fully, consciously aware.
We are the boss of ourselves. It’s up to us not to let other people’s bad stuff bring us down. "If I truly know myself, I know what thoughts are mine." Sometimes we need to think things out but they need to be OUR things. If our thoughts reflect on words and emotions that put us or our endeavors down, they don’t belong to us. we are harboring false ideas that are not our own. When we feel guilty of something we wish we hadn’t done, we want to let it go, not do it again and be free of the awful feelings that keep returning. Because we can’t release the heavy, guilty thoughts and feelings about it, we allow these negative judgments to keep coming back around and punish us in a variety of unpleasant ways.
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult issues involved in trying to release and let go of past harm inflicted on us as well as guilt from our own past mistakes. Before we can forgive others, we must first of all, forgive ourselves for letting ourselves down. Simply put, our natural feelings about ourselves should be positive in spite of our weaknesses and failures. We desire the inner peace that makes our life pleasant and our relationships with others based on reciprocal love. Anything other than that is invasion by negative energy forces that act on us beyond our knowledge that they exist.
Living in this 3 dimensional world that consists of a fluctuating, unequal balance of good and evil makes it hard to always choose the right direction to go. It is important to realize that we can’t and never will be perfect and we shouldn’t expect perfection from ourselves. This secret inner drive to attain perfection in some way, is our nemesis and a hard task master. Releasing this hidden demon will set us free to just be ourselves, the good, bad, ugly or beautiful, as we try to tune in to our true selves from within. Acknowledging that we can never be perfect and that it's useless to judge ourselves in that way, gives us opportunity to view our own failures and faults more gently. When we treat ourselves more kindly and acceptable as to our own efforts, we begin to be more tolerant to the mistakes of others also, letting go of judgments we had formed against them.
We notice that each of us is uniquely different. What I like, someone else may not. Where I may be weak, someoneelse is strong etc. Mostly, we want to follow good principles and we want others to ‘see’ that we are doing ok with our attempts. Sometimes we act as if everything is just fine but it’s a struggle to keep up the facade. We know the difference between our successes and failures, but no matter how hard we try to focus on the positive, either unpleasantly familiar, or weird, unfamiliar thoughts can pop into our mind and if we ‘own’ them as ours, they multiply. However, the more we learn about ourselves and recognize our true desires and wishes, we immediately see the difference between what is our thoughts and the false thoughts, making it a simple matter to reject them.
Our natural desire is for inner peace no matter the circumstances, and to enjoy loving relationships, and almost everyone wants this same thing. Our consciously aware mind is the real mind that is only ours (and Gods) and negative forces can’t tap into that mind. Our lower, unconscious mind accepts everything, even if it’s bad for us. There are so many negative energies flowing in and out of it from the universal field of thought, and they are drawn to us us if we ‘focus’ on them! This is so important. Where we put our focus is the key. When we focus on ‘right now’ and resist thoughts of the past or future, we can live in the 'now' and really experience life as it's meant to be.