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'The Fall'


Our Spirituality

How to Stop Judging

The Kingdom Within Us

Jesus Where are You

The Gender Question

Who I Am

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Reinventing the Wheel

©2022The kingdom Within
All rights reserved

The Key to Truth

Simplicity and Common Sense... "Except you become as a little child…"

The easiest way to discover truth is through the observation of nature. When we walk through a forest, we know without a doubt that it’s real. We don’t question the reality of the birds chirping and the squirrels running up and down the trees. The solid earth is felt under our feet and we don’t question the validity of the breeze blowing gently in our face. All of this so familiar since our childhood that it still brings back to us the enjoyment we had playing outside in nature.

As the sun shines in through our bedroom window in the morning, we arise and begin a new day. Do we question the existence of the sun, our bedroom or our cup of coffee? We sit down to enjoy our breakfast without even thinking if it’s real or not.

We know food is for eating, water is for drinking, clothes are for wearing, cars are for going places and never do we doubt these things or anything else in our everyday world.

A newborn child first learns of their existence in the world by feelings of comfort or discomfort, contentment or discontent that forms a bond between them and their family members. They progressively gain more awareness of everything about themselves as they explore with their eyes and ears and experiment with hands and feet. The child learns and develops every day changing from year after year until they are adult, and still the changing keeps happening. All this time, as their learning expands, there is never a doubt in the individual of their being alive and real. The world around them in all of its aspects, is taken for granted and never questioned as to its realness.

How can you say something is not real when you see it, feel it and have experienced it ever since birth? This is where the simplicity of common sense begins.

I don’t know if Steve Jobs intentionally named his computer ‘Apple’ with the bite taken out of the apple on the back of all of his computers, but to me and probably many others, it surely symbolizes ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden.

Our computers have opened us up to the world of knowledge and information, so much so, that we are overwhelmed by too much of it. In many ways it is good, such as, communication with family and friends almost anywhere in the world, we can be aware of most aspects of world politics and take some responsibility to explore their validity. we have access to unlimited resources and even able to view courtroom processes. On the other hand, I don’t need to explain the bad parts of the internet because we have all been warned about them. It is simply a choice to use the internet for good purposes and stay away from the other side of it and teach our children to do the same.

How does this relate to simplicity and common sense? When I came to a point in my search for truth where I felt I was inundating my mind with way too much spiritual information, I had to acknowledge finally that I was off course. Studying many religions, not too in-depth but enough to know the basic elements of each, I found there are several identical premises in each belief system. My belief since childhood was Christianity and I found many places of compatibility in all of the ‘God of love’ based religions. This helped me to simplify my beliefs by realizing that if everyone practiced love with understanding and kindness, there would be no need for religious institutions. God would simply be in our hearts and thus, our actions, and God is love. So all the trappings of religion would be unnecessary.

I begin with myself as the focus for my spiritual understanding because Jesus said “The Kingdom of God is within you”. This made me feel that I needed to know the truth of who and what I really am. To explore oneself, it is in my estimation, most important to first ‘let go’ of ‘all’ the beliefs I had acquired throughout the years. I let go of, not only all of my spiritual information, and there was a lot, but the worlds so called knowledge also. I doubted and questioned the validity of everything from science, history, philosophies to the paradigms of our societies. The only things I kept, were the beliefs I held were true from personal, proof and evidence in my own personal experience. “Faith is the ‘substance’ of things hoped for, the ‘evidence’ of things unseen.”

Through the years, I have experienced dreams, visions, physical anomalies and astral travels or obe’s and trying to evaluate and differentiate them became important. I tried to understand their purpose as to their expression. I could interpret their personal meanings to me in most instances but soon it became obvious that what was actually essential, more than anything else, was knowing my own state of mind and intention.

This, I quickly discovered is no easy task. It’s like playing hide and seek with all the ‘stuff’ inside my head. Soon I learned how to ‘let’ the awful feelings be there and play out while not thinking about anything in relation to them. If I kept stewing over past regrets and mistakes, it never changed anything for the better. Instead of trying to figure everything out, I began to slowly turn these things over to the Lord and quit tomenting myself over them, (it took me way to long to do this). There is a scripture song I always remember the words of:

"Create in me a clean heart, oh God...and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, oh Lord, take not your Holy Spirit from me, restore unto me, the joy of my salvation and and renew a right spirit within me."

It became apparent that the Kingdom of God within me could not be established without providing an empty and clean space within for it to grow and develop. With all of my explorations came a lot of negative energies that needed to be released but I do appreciate the knowledge I acquired as I dealt with a lot of attacks by spiritual enemy forces. For me, it was better to suffer from the learning process than to be ignorant and possibly deluded by my own interpretations of what I wanted or expected. As I realized this, I formed new ideas about what I took from each religion as a jewel of truth. I saw them flowing together and revealing more truth. The ideas I felt were possibly false dissolved and floated away from the flow.

Learning that it wasn’t about my failures but how I grew from understanding why I had those failures, I tried to stop judging and blaming myself or anyone else for my problems. ‘Loving thyself’ is something we all need too do and it becomes easier as we apply the reality of nature into our lives. Trusting that God knew what He was doing when He created us and He is not judging us but waiting for us to return to the simple truth that we are his children. He is growing us up so we can move on in our spiritual evolution and leave this dimension of suffering and death. A little child is devoted to simply enjoying things. They believe, trust and love as long as they are not taught by others to doubt and fear. It is sad because we have complicated everything so much that we can’t express the love, belief, trust and enjoyment of a child anymore. We judge, criticize, demean and crucify anyone we consider deserves it. Just look at the political and religious ranting in our country and see the fingers pointing at the opposition, or the so called enemies. We are filled with judgments toward others and this fills the space in which the Kingdom should be developing in our hearts.

In our world, right now, we are confronted with the idea that we don’t even exist as a viable reality. Maybe we are in a digital world and we are just avatars in a video game. Maybe this world is a digital creation of some kind and we, as humans will someday soon cease to exist when God decides to "roll us up as a scroll".. This leads one to think maybe we will do better with technology enbeded in us. It could make us smarter and enhance our lives in so many ways. This idea is also in some religions. They say that we need to disregard our identity, our name and our body as ‘not real’ and move into our God Self. Our body is shed when we die and we then can move on to higher places or Heaven and come back as someone else. They also say that we don’t need to worry about this world or all the people in it because they are not real either, just bodies with minds, names and identities.I feel that there are so many more possibilities then we can ever imagine and we all will,at some time, search out truth for ourselves because every human being is of ultimate importance to our Heavenly father. What I feel is true, is...

We do have a God Self within that dwells with God and our human self is within God also. “In Him we live and move and have our Being”. He created all of us on this Earth as well as all others anywhere else. I feel it is the responsibility of this God part of myself (personal Holy Spirit) to transform the human part of me, this body and mind, and to merge us together as one higher being. Then we will be able to leave this dimension through the door Jesus opens, which is Christ Consciousness.  This is when we will have victory over death.

1 Corinthians 15:55 - "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

We will live forever as us, always learning, always growing and changing but with our name and identity and loved ones always  with us in different ways and times. We may inhabit many dimensions as we grow but we will remain the same human-being identity always.

** I will post an article soon on the subject of continuums and explain some ideas I have about us as the beginning and end of a continuum: a 'human' and a 'being' that will eventually merge spiritually and become a higher being or 'Light Being'.

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